Saturday, January 9, 2010

knee-deep snow

at least, shooting for
ps: new shoesies that i loove..

can't wait for it to be warmer out (these puppies wouldn't keep anything warm)


  1. Wow, that is an ambitious list. There are several on there I've been meaning to read for ages, a few that I love, and a couple I've never heard of. I may have to add some to my list.

  2. yes, ambition! i just had to get down on paper what i, at some point, want to get to. and i hope to read a good large chunk of these within the near future. reading everything is illuminated right now (not a multitasking book reader. one at a time)

  3. Girl Meets God is a good one. Your mom gave it to me, if you ever want to borrow it. :)

  4. You're the cutest thing ever and I love your shoes and you book list and face :) I wish I loved to read/had time, but I hope you find time to read all your books, you can do it! I love you bunches <3

    p.s I made a google account just so I could comment on here. That's how much I love you :)

  5. ARICA YOU MAKE MY LIFE! Haha you're hilarious.

  6. read through painted deserts by donald miller before blue like jazz. tpd screams your name. i've never been able to read pride & prejudice. that must have been left out of my girl gene. and if you're looking for a change the world type book not on our watch is phenomenal. i just finished it.

    i wish we could discuss books over coffee. that is much better than blog. but blog is better than nothing!

  7. I love those shoes! I've been so tempted to get them too (:

  8. kelc - i have heard tpd is really good, i will have to give it a go! and i remember promising my mom at a young age that i would some day read pride and prejudice, so it at least has to be on a list somewhere. plus, i love the bbc and kiera knightley movies of it. anytime. come here!missmissyou

    arica - (: thank you for the lovin

    ashley - they are adorable. i completely suggest the purchase (:

  9. Those shoes are cute! xo

  10. a movable feast--love!
    dubliners--i asked and received this as a gift, but it is still on my 'to read' list. i'll let you know if i get to it soon.

  11. Aw I like your pictures. Especially the book list.
